Transform Your Performance with Vanessa Elston

Elevating global leaders through precision frequency work, strategic
nutrition, mindset mastery, and natural supplementation for over 20 years  

Your Frequency
Creates Your Reality

The Power of Frequency

Just like a radio station, your frequency broadcasts into the world in every moment, attracting experiences that resonate with your energy. This isn’t mystical – it’s physics.

Your frequency consists of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions – most operating at a subconscious level. Understanding and mastering this creates profound transformation.

Conscious Creation

Most of us create our reality unconsciously, unaware of how our frequency shapes our experiences. By bringing awareness to this process, you can begin consciously creating the life you envision.

When you align your frequency with your desires, transformation becomes natural and sustainable.

how we work


Access and trust
your inner wisdom


Resolve limiting beliefs permanently


Live from your highest frequency

Imagine What's Possible When You


Lead from greater alignment


Create lasting positive change


Live from your highest frequency

Imagine What's Possible When You


Access and trust
your inner wisdom


Resolve limiting beliefs permanently


Live from your highest frequency


Lead from greater alignment


Create lasting positive change


Live from your highest frequency

Transformative Programs for
Personal and Professional Empowerment

Explore Vanessa Elston’s suite of transformative programs designed to unlock your potential, deepen your energy alignment, and enhance your confidence.

Private 1:1 Sessions

Elite 6-week transformation program combining advanced energy work with luxury retreat experience
Personalized MyShroom Protocol
Weekly 1:1 Consultations
3-Day Luxury Retreat

Elite 6-Week 1:1 Transformation Program

Break through your challenges with:

Weekly 1:1 Sessions tailored to your needs
Lifestyle & Nutrition Audit for total health reset
24/7 Messaging for real-time support and motivation

Harness The Power Of The Pendulum

Step into the future of energy healing—merge ancient wisdom with modern techniques to create transformative change in yourself and others.

Confidence Mastery

Science-backed approach to unleashing your authentic power
Soul Reading & Alignment
Comprehensive Health Audit
Personalized Action Plan

End the Mental Cycle of Trauma

Guided Trauma Release Sessions
Integration Exercises for lasting healing
Progress Tracking Journals to measure growth
Comprehensive Health Audit for a complete wellness overview
Lifestyle Change Management to support sustainable transformation

Specialized Fields

Energy Mastery

Strategic Nutrition

Mindset Architecture

Support For Evolution

Expertise Areas

learn more about yoga with our trainers

Orci nisl habitasse at condimentum cubilia vestibulum dis, odio tellus vivamus rutrum augue inceptos potenti metus, quis sapien aliquam mus hendrerit feugiat

yoga training class

Yamas and Niyamas

Yoga for Beginners

Mastering Anxiety

Vinyasa Krama

Yoga for Beginners

Mastering Anxiety

Vinyasa Krama

Yamas and Niyamas

The Resonant Leader Mastering Energy, Influence, and Impact

Unlock powerful insights for blending high-impact leadership with holistic well-being. Pre-order now to gain early access to exclusive chapters and receive a special invitation to a live Q&A session with Vanessa.

Our Products

mushroom blends

Quantum Health

MyShroom chocolate

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